Windjana Gorge, Western Australia, was not an ancient barrier reef

Recently, a friend asked if I knew about Windjana Gorge in the north of Western Australia. He said, “It is on the Gibb River road in the Kimberley and the information there said the cliffs were a reef. It was … Continued

Enormous volcanic cataclysm engulfed most of northern Australia during Noah’s Flood

The adjacent figure is a small extract from a geological map of the area around Kellys Knob, Kununurra, Western Australia. Whenever I visit a new area, I spend much time poring over geological maps, which are available free as images … Continued

What do the fossilized ripples preserved on sandstone layers on Kellys Knob, Kununurra, mean?

posted in: Fossils, Noah's Flood, Rapid Rocks | 0

Here are two examples of fossilized ripples preserved on the sandstone layers up Kellys Knob, just north of Kununurra, Western Australia. There are many examples on the surfaces of the rocks. These ripples indicate that the sediment was deposited from … Continued

Why is the Ord River Valley near Kununurra, Western Australia, so wide and flat?

posted in: Landscapes, Noah's Ark | 0

Figure 1 is a view from Kellys Knob looking south-west across the Ord River valley, which is wide and flat. Some Kununurra streets and houses are visible in the foreground. Further back you can see the Kununurra Airport. And beyond … Continued

A brand new issue of Journal of Creation with lots of geology articles

posted in: Resources | 0

The latest issue of Journal of Creation is hot off the press again. I’ve had the privilege of seeing one of the first copies. Journal of Creation 28(1) April 2014 features Mars on its cover and has many excellent articles … Continued

Perth geological section, breakup of Gondwana, and the draining of Noah’s Flood

posted in: Big Picture | 0

The Bible tells us that the whole world was covered by water at the time of Noah’s Flood. It took five months for the waters to rise and cover “all the high hills under the whole heaven” (Genesis 7:19), and … Continued

Geological History of the Perth region, Western Australia, within a biblical framework

posted in: Geological History | 1

The geology around Perth is quite different from the eastern states in that there is little variety in the types of rocks exposed. All the same there are some very interesting and special features to observe. Floodwaters rising The oldest … Continued