Geological History of the Perth region, Western Australia, within a biblical framework
The geology around Perth is quite different from the eastern states in that there is little variety in the types of rocks exposed. All the same there are some very interesting and special features to observe. Floodwaters rising The oldest … Continued
Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’ has a problem with creationism
CMI’s Richard Fangrad has a very funny response to the attack on creationism by Bill Nye, the science guy: CMI: Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone. Bill’s Youtube video is called Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children. It’s … Continued
The geological history of Victoria, Australia, within a biblical framework
Floodwaters rise The deepest rocks in the vicinity of Phillip Island, indeed in Victoria, are related to the exposed fold belts of eastern Australia.1 These were deposited rapidly early during the global Flood (Genesis 6–8) under the ocean. There was … Continued
Geologists see effects of Noah’s Flood in Africa
About 4,500 years ago, the African continent was entirely covered with water. We know this is true because humans witnessed the event, recorded what they saw, and the document they wrote is available to us today. About that water and … Continued
Famous contact at Sea Point, South Africa, reveals rapid granite emplacement
On the shore at Sea Point, south of Cape Town, sits a dramatic geological contact (figure 1) that has been famous for some two centuries. This complex and spectacular feature was first described by Clark Abel in 1818,1 and then … Continued
Cape Town’s oldest rocks deposited rapidly from abundant water
The oldest rocks in the Cape Town area, South Africa, are part of the Malmesbury Group,1 named after the town of Malmesbury, 60 km north-west of Cape Town. The Malmesbury Group covers a large area around Cape Town: 200 km … Continued
Cape Peninsula sandstones, South Africa, deposited during Noah’s Flood
In the steep road cut alongside Chapman’s Peak Drive, south of Cape Town, South Africa, you can see some of the flat-lying beds of sediment that form the 1000-metre tall mountains along Cape Peninsula. The mudstone has a distinctive maroon … Continued
Cape Peninsula, South Africa, formed during Noah’s Flood
When I was in South Africa in 2011, I photographed this glorious view looking south on Chapman’s Peak Drive, south of Cape Town. The road down Cape Peninsula runs along the junction between two spectacular geological features. In the cut … Continued
Carnarvon Gorge from Battleship Spur as Noah’s Flood receded
Here are some more shots1 of Carnarvon Gorge using Google Earth. They are a series of screenshots with different sea levels, showing how water may have emptied through Carnarvon Gorge, using 2.5x elevation exaggeration for emphasis. The view is from … Continued
Basalt flows around Carnarvon Gorge, Central Queensland, erupted under water
The Consuelo Tableland to the north of Carnarvon Gorge would have been one of the first areas of land to emerge in Queensland as the waters of Noah’s Flood were receding from Australia. A rough calculation shows it would have … Continued