“Do you remember that you said on Facebook that you could see the effects of Noah’s Flood from a mountain near Newcastle?”
“Yes, that was from the top of Mount Sugarloaf, north of Sydney.”
“What did you see?” she asked, her eyes wide in amazement.
“Well”, I said, “at the peak of Noah’s Flood the whole of Australia was covered with water. So, when I looked out from Mount Sugarloaf, I could picture the water covering all the country, high above the mountains in the area.”
“The water then began to run into the ocean, which is to the east. To start with it ran off the contient in wide-flowing sheets. As it did, the water and sediment it contained eroded the landscape flat. From the top of Mount Sugarloaf you can see those flat plateaus in the distance to the north, south and west. The mountain ranges are all at the same level. You can see flat plateaus like this at many places all over the country.”
“Wow”, she said, as she nodded.
“As the waters of Noah’s Flood continued to recede, the higher areas emerged from beneath the surface and the water flowed around them in wide channels, eroding more of the land. From the top of Mount Sugarloaf it is easy to see where those wide channels once flowed because they left wide valleys. You can see where the water flowed to the Pacific Ocean leaving the flat area around Newcastle. The rivers that now occupy those valleys are tiny compared with the width of the valley they flow in.”
“That is amazing”, she said. “I always believed the Bible and Noah’s Flood. But I never imagined that we could see the effects of it in the landscapes. That is exciting.”
Gavin Simpson
Speculation does not count as truth, either scientific or theological. Ever think how a few surviving species would have enough genetic diversity, rapid evolution, and ecological support for worldwide restoration of all the species we have today, after an assumed global catastrophe that overturned the world in momentous cataclysms and thousands of feet of sediment, metamorphic and volcanic layers? There would have had to be a miraculous re-creation that the Bible is completely silent about (not to assume that the first creation was completely miraculous as well).
Tas Walker responds:
Hi Gavin,
You said, “Ever think how a few surviving species …”. Yes, many people have thought about these issues and shown that there are simple and satisfying answers. The animals on the Ark would have had more genetic variability and have speciated since the Flood. For example, all the dogs alive today have descended from a wild, wolf-kind of dog. Two dogs were all that was needed on the Ark. If you would like to find answers go to Creation.com Q&A topics.