Perth geological section, breakup of Gondwana, and the draining of Noah’s Flood

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The Bible tells us that the whole world was covered by water at the time of Noah’s Flood. It took five months for the waters to rise and cover “all the high hills under the whole heaven” (Genesis 7:19), and … Continued

Collie coal basin, Western Australia, preserved from retreating waters of Noah’s Flood

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In my discussion of the Perth geological cross-section I concluded that the thick sedimentary deposits filling the Perth Basin likely extended across the Darling Plateau to the east. It seemed to me that these thick and extensive sediments would not … Continued

Perth, Western Australia, geological cross section

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The figure here shows an interpreted geological cross-section near Perth, Western Australia. It’s taken from the 1:250,000 scale geological map SH-50-14 publised in 1978 by the Geological Survey of Western Australia. As I have mentioned before, I look at sections … Continued