A useful tool for picturing these receding floodwaters is a web application, originally designed to study sea level rise. It colours Google maps according to a chosen land elevation. On the above map, which represents a width of 300 km, the red area shows the land that would be inundated by a sea-level rise of 600 m. Orange shows what would be covered at 800 m and yellow at 1000 m. The area that is coloured dark green (almost black) is all that sits above the 1000 m level. The largest of the black areas is the Consuelo Tableland, which reaches some 1200 m above sea level. This area is one of the highest in Queensland. In fact, very little of Queensland, or Australia, sits above the 600 m level. Carnarvon Gorge can be seen as a small red tongue that sits immediately south of the Consuelo Tableland, and runs to the south-east.
According to the detailed account in the Bible, the floodwaters began to recede some 150 days after the Flood started (compare Genesis 8:4 and 7:11), at which time the Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat in the Middle East. Today these mountains could be at an elevation of some 4000 m to 5000 m depending on the exact location where the Ark landed. The Bible tells us that, after the Ark grounded, the waters receded for a further 74 days (compare Genesis 8:5 with 8:4) before the tops of the other mountains in the area became visible to Noah and his family. This was 224 days (150 + 74) after the start of the Flood. Presumably these mountains would have been around 4,000 m in elevation.
This means that it would have been at least 224 days after the beginning of the Flood before the Consuelo Tableland emerged above the receding floodwaters. This tableland would have been one of the first areas of Queensland to emerge. The receding floodwaters would have played a significant part in carving of Carnarvon Gorge.
This simple analysis has given us a broad framework to understand the timing of the carving of Carnarvon Gorge, and think about the possible processes that were involved.
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[…] of land to emerge in Queensland as the waters of Noah’s Flood were receding from Australia. A rough calculation shows it would have been at least 224 days after the Flood began before the tableland emerged. The […]
Peter Newland
Hi Tas,
I couldn’t work out what part of the figure I was supposed to be looking at.
Even looking at the image 1:1 it was not clear to me at all. I suggest you add a couple of arrows, with suitable annotation, to the image.
Tas Walker responds:
Hi Peter, I’ve added some arrows as you suggest and ammended the caption.