Hi Dad
Dan and I are preparing for some flooding of our home. It is predicted to be 7 m. If Dan’s calculations are correct, it will come 1 or more meters inside. Can’t really imagine it.
Please pray for wisdom for us.
The river height at Jindalee peaked at 12.9 metres on Wednesday evening and our daughter’s home was flooded to the ceiling in the downstairs kitchen, dining and living areas.
By Friday the water level had reduced and she, along with hundreds of other families in the area, was able to get back to her home and start the clean up. The devastation was heart breaking.
When I looked at that graph and thought of the destruction that it represented, I couldn’t help comparing it with Noah’s Flood (Genesis 6–9).
At Jindalee the water took 2 days to reach its peak. Noah’s Flood rose for 150 days—5 months.
At Jindalee the water took 2 days to go down. Noah’s Flood took 7 months.
At Jindalee the water level reached a height of 12.9 metres. Damage was confined to low-lying areas; most Brisbane suburbs were unaffected. In the Flood of Noah’s day “all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered” (Genesis 7:19) and “all flesh died that moved on the earth, birds, livestock, beasts, all swarming creatures that swarm on the earth, and all mankind” (Genesis 7:21). Note the word “all“.
The Brisbane flood, huge and terrible as it has been, was only tiny compared with the Flood recorded in the Bible. Genesis is not describing a local flood but a global one, the effects of which we can still see everywhere.
Laurie Appleton
Dear Tas,
Would you comment on the thought that these major floods seem to have something like a regular cycle of about 40 years.
My understading is that there was a flood in our area in 1897 or so and then another in the early 1930’s.
The next big one was about another 40 years later in 1974 and now this one in 2011.
Using this thinking then perhaps we can expect the next to be about 2045 to 2050.
In this respect, the NASA scientist Robert Jastrow, suggested that the world has had fairly regular “warm ages” and “could ages” in a somewhat regular pattern also. He concluded something to the effect that the world might impovish itself trying to stop global warming just in time to be too poor to keep themselves in the next cycle of global cooling!!
May God continue to bless you and CMI.
Tas Walker
Hi Laurie,
Concerning your comment of 5 February 2011 at 4:17pm:
I don’t think we can breath easy and say we are in the clear until 2045. In 1893 there were two floods within a few weeks.