The images to the left illustrate its last two hours and forty minutes following its collision with the iceberg, at 11:40 pm on Sunday 14 April 1912.
A catastrophe involving such a large object takes time to unfold. After the Titanic struck the iceberg, water gushed into the starboard side of the ship near its prow. Although the flow of water was large, it took a couple of hours to cause the ship to sink because of its enormous size. As it filled, the prow slowly sank into the ocean, raising the stern. At around 2:18 am the ship suddenly broke in two. The forward section sank to the bottom of the ocean, while the aft section floated vertically briefly before disappearing beneath the waves and following the prow to the bottom.
When the Titanic collided with the iceberg, it set in train a sequence of events that continued for more than two hours until the ship reached a new equilibrium on the ocean bottom. This process can be used as an illustration of the catastrophe of Noah’s Flood, which engulfed our globe.
The Flood began, according to the Bible with a breaking up of the fountains of the great deep, and the opening of the windows of heaven (Genesis 7:11). The Flood involved a train of events that followed a logical sequence of cause and effect, until the earth reached a new equilibrium. Because the earth is so much larger than the Titanic, the catastrophe of the Flood took much longer to unfold. The Bible records it lasted for just over 12 months. Ongoing climatic effects continued for hundreds of years.
During Noah’s Flood, vast quantities of water moved over the surface of the earth, eroding the landscape and depositing sediment in enormous sedimentary basins. This redistribution of mass caused movement of the earth’s plates. This in turn generated huge volumes of molten magma, the movement of which further redistributed mass on the globe—laterally and radially. The cooling of the magma also affected the movement of plates and ocean levels. Through the process some parts of the earth’s crust gradually sank lower and others rose, until the earth eventually reached a new equilibrium, which we enjoy today.
Geological history is often presented as a list of disconnected events. We read about sedimentation, erosion, mountain building, volcanic eruptions, and ice ages, each separated from the other by tens of millions of years. With so much time between events they seem to be unrelated. However, by looking at geology as the unfolding of one huge catastrophe that overtook our globe, we can begin to connect the dots.
Bob Michael
You retards often provide a great afternoon laugh break. Thanks!
Andy Tompkin
This is a ridiculous article. There is not one credible statement that is backed up with a reference to any reputable source other than the bible (with the possible exception on the manner in which the Titanic sank). Not one of the Apostles or those attributed with the writing of the bible claim to be skilled in geology or personally had knowledge of the great flood as clearly can be seen in the construct of this author’s argument. If people want to be taken seriously when producing articles of this nature it would help if they actually did some research before putting pen to paper instead of trying to preach to the masses from their soap box.
Point one. No global flooding event as described in this article has yet or is likely to be proven during the theorised period in time of the great flood or for that matter within any period while mankind has walked this earth. Have global flooding events occurred in earth’s history? Yes but I stress the point, not as described in this article. No mass infill of sedimentary basins over a one year period, and most definitely no mass tectonic shift of the scale suggested over the time span indicated. There have been massive volcanic events as described throughout earth’s history but not one of these events has occurred in 100’s of thousands of years and most are not 1 year events. I recommend the author try reading a nice simple book like “Introduction to geology” before attempting to write a similar article in the future.
There is a reason scientists believe the geological processes commented in this article span millennia rather than 1 year and that is because it is physically not possible for it to be other. If God has made the earth and heavens as prescribed within the bible then, God also made every atom and molecule and created the laws that govern how they behave and interact. While we can only speculate on the true history of the earth, we CAN measure and record and observe. This is why I can say as do all geological scientists that the events prescribed in this article cannot occur in a 1 year period, or 1 life time or in 100 years or even 10’s of thousands of years. The Earth’s history is an order of magnitude larger than that. No person should put their own diminished concept of time in place of the truth.
Try going back to the basics and teaching faith rather than this crooked excuse for scientifically justified religion. There is no reason on god’s earth that science and religion can’t co-exist so long as one does not try to pervert the other.
Tas Walker responds:
Thanks for your response. Actually, this issue is one of history: how do we know what happened in the past? No matter who you are you have to start with an assumption about how to investigate what happened in the past. You have called that assumption ‘faith’ when you spoke about biblical geology (and you are right), but long-age geology also begins with a step of faith. It’s called uniformitarianism (or actualism). Could I encourage you to search topics and read more articles on this site and also on to see how the issue is addressed.
Terry Farrell
Thanks Tas for this brief article. I know that there is an amazing amount of information on the CMI website, submitted by credible scientists which give a better and more plausible explanation for the creation than the evolution model. I think the Evolution explanation requires a greater amount of faith to believe.
Thank you for your work!
I realize that evolutionists get upset about the truth of science, because God is the author of science, so of course the Bible and Science are not mutually exclusive. There is a fear in having one’s faith shaken when it stands on lies and misinterpreted evidence. However, that fear is quickly displaced when one is convinced of the solid truth – as so excellent provides.
I encourage anyone supporting evolution to pursue the evidence at
Check out the Mount St. Helen’s evidence too –
I agree with the comments by Andy Tompkin.
Yes, FALLACIOUSLY join the jots – and thus COMPRESS the planet’s real history to fit with Bible genealogies. Incidentally YECs believe – from how Psalm 104 is translated in SOME versions of the Bible – that the depth of the oceans increased greatly post-flood, so as to accommodate the receding waters of Noah’s flood. In the New American Standard Bible the wording is “The waters were standing above the mountains. At Your rebuke they fled, At the sound of Your thunder they hurried away. The mountains rose; the valleys sank down To the place which You established for them”.
But how exactly would cooling magma cause the seabed to ‘plunge’ down much lower in a short space of time?
I also note that this History Denier does not appear to want to discuss the likely history of the iceberg, nor to speculate on how the Ark (unlike Titanic, in different circumstances) managed to remain afloat during a catastrophic WORLDWIDE flood – a flood which YECs insist happened around a mere 4,300 years’ ago.
Walker’s blog also does not account for the persistence of the Egyptian Old Kingdom beyond this date – before its demise after 2,200 BC, which has been discovered to have been caused by prolonged severe DROUGHT stopping seasonal Nile floods during a periodic cold outbreak over thousands of years known as a Bond Event.
Jesus apparently believed that the mythical recent worldwide flood was a real event. He can be excused, however!”
Tas Walker responds:
Hi Ashley,
Your comments are far too long and I’ve cut out a swag of superflous verbage in this one. In future, I won’t be publishing long comments from you.
You say, “But how exactly would cooling magma cause the seabed to ‘plunge’ down much lower in a short space of time?” I can think of a few possibilities. It’s commonly accepted that the ocean basins sit lower than the continents because of oceanic crust has a higher density than continental crust. If the Flood involved a differentiation process in which basaltic lava covered large areas of the planet that could explain how the sea floor sank. Such models would need to be tested, of course. There are a number of creationist models including catastrophic plate tectonics that includes explanations for the sinking of the sea floor.
I’m surprised you are not aware of the explanation for how Egyptian history is consistent with biblical history. See, for example, Timing is everything.