Also included in the guide is a check list of features to see, an explanation of how geologists develop a geological history of an area, and a geological history of Victoria.
For a flying overview of the geology of the island and to quickly see something of how it relates to the geological history of Australia three key sites are highltighted. For those who are on the island for a longer time, they can keep the guide handy and read the relevant parts when they are pursuing other activities. The guide is in full colour, and includes a geological map which shows what rocks can be found and their location.
The booklet has been prepared for the Creation Super Camp on Phillip Island in January 2013, where some 800 people are planning to attend. The booklet will be used with the geology excursions on the Tuesday and Wednesday, with each of the three key sites being manned by a guide on the afternoon. The booklet will help campers understand what they are looking during the excursion, and also at other times as they enjoy the many attractions on the Island.
We printed some extra copies because the booklet will be of benefit for school excursions, for visitors to the island, and for shops and centres distributing toursit information. When it is back from the printers I’ll update this post with information on where you can obtain a copy. In the meantime, if you know of anyone who would like a copy please let me know.
Book is now available on creation.com Aussie store.