The Navajo Sandstone is one of the largest supposedly wind-deposited formations in the geological record and is estimated to have once covered up 400,000 km2, the size of the state of California. It reaches a thickness of 670 m in Zion National Park and thins eastward. Moving such a volume of sand all the way across North America would require large, powerful currents.
Mike shows that the transport of these sands such vast distances is evidence for the global Flood catastrophe. The biblical Flood easily accounts for large-scale, high-velocity currents. In fact, Flood currents are a better explanation than rivers, especially for a really widespread deposit of large clasts that have been carried long distances.
Further, these Flood currents support the other evidence that suggests that the ‘eolian’ sands of the southwestern United States were actually deposited by aqueous means.
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Carl Froede Jr.
Mike’s article is actually the third one published on this subject. I published an article entitled Eroded Appalachian Mountain siliciclastics as a source for the Navajo Sandstone in 2004 in the CEN Tech Journal (now Journal of Creation). Andrew Snelling published a similar article in 2008 in Answers Magazine. Mike’s article was published in 2009.
wind-deposited formations? Wow!
And no one questions the validity of this explanation?
No one?
There must have been an awful lot of very windy days, but even then, it sounds impossible to me.
While the wind was depositing the sandstone, no other geological events took place to interrupt the formation of this sandstone in all those millions of years?