Noah’s Flood: Fact or Fiction

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Answers the basic questions about Noah's Flood and shows that the biblical account is real history.
Answers the basic questions about Noah\’s Flood and shows that the biblical account is real history.

This little book answers questions about the reality of Noah’s Flood and the Ark.

  • Could Noah have built an Ark that big?
  • How could all the animals fit?
  • How could Noah collect all the animals?
  • Were dinosaurs on board?
  • Weren’t dinosaurs extinct long before the Flood?
  • Was the Flood really global?
  • Where did all the water come from?
  • How could the Ark survive the Flood?
  • How could Noah look after all those animals?
  • Did the Flood destroy everything alive?
  • Where did all the water go?
  • Is there any evidence of the Flood?
  • What about geological evidence?
  • How could fossils millions of years old form in the Flood?
  • How could animals migrate from Mt Ararat all over the earth?
  • Has Noah’s Ark been found?
  • Why did God destroy the earth?

A useful little book to spread around with your friends at this time when Aronofsky’s Noah is in everyone’s thinking.