This little book answers questions about the reality of Noah’s Flood and the Ark.
- Could Noah have built an Ark that big?
- How could all the animals fit?
- How could Noah collect all the animals?
- Were dinosaurs on board?
- Weren’t dinosaurs extinct long before the Flood?
- Was the Flood really global?
- Where did all the water come from?
- How could the Ark survive the Flood?
- How could Noah look after all those animals?
- Did the Flood destroy everything alive?
- Where did all the water go?
- Is there any evidence of the Flood?
- What about geological evidence?
- How could fossils millions of years old form in the Flood?
- How could animals migrate from Mt Ararat all over the earth?
- Has Noah’s Ark been found?
- Why did God destroy the earth?
A useful little book to spread around with your friends at this time when Aronofsky’s Noah is in everyone’s thinking.